Shoreham Fort

Giving History a Future by Bringing History to Life

How to get here

Shoreham Fort is at the east end of Shoreham Beach, just next to the west harbour arm on a road called Forthaven, at the end of Old Fort Road / Harbour Way.

Please remember before visiting that the fort is a Scheduled Monument, so please take care as you walk round.

Opening times

Opening times.

Like many historically significant venues, Shoreham Fort is a closed site but there are volunteers working on site once a fortnight, on a Saturday. The public are very welcome to join the Friends on these days and as long as there are enough volunteers, Food for Fort will be open for a cuppa or cold drink at £1.00 as will the WWI Nissen hut. On occasion, there may be areas that are off limits, for safety reasons, whilst work is being carried out.

Group tours can be prebooked, as can school visits so please do contact us.

Keep watch on our events page for details about open days.

Please note: Shoreham Fort is private property. The site has been fenced off by Shoreham Port Authority, as land owners. This is to protect the scheduled monument from increased vandalism.

How to get here.

By car By car

By car

From the A259, turn on to Shoreham Beach, and follow the brown tourist signs until you come to ‘Fort Haven’ on your right. Sat-Nav users can use the Post-Code BN43 5HY. There is a council-run pay and display car park adjacent to the fort, which has adequate parking. Please be advised that the Friends of Shoreham Fort have no control over the car park – if you have any questions then please contact Adur District Council.

On foot On foot

On foot

From Shoreham Hight Street, cross the footbridge over the river, and follow ‘Harbour Road’ east, until you come across the turning ‘Fort Haven’ on your left.

Public transport Public transport

Public transport

There is a ‘Compass’ bus service that runs Monday – Saturday; Bus no.19 runs to the entrance of Fort Haven.

Shoreham’s train station is located near the centre of town. The nearest stop for the Compass no.19 bus is on Ham Road.

Please note that the above postcode is not a postal address – if you need to send us something then please contact us for details.


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